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Jun 28, 20244 min read
Sheridan from Cavan, an Essay by Maeve McCormack
The last time I passed by the house it was derelict and overgrown, regressing to an Irish-style wilderness.

Jun 21, 20242 min read
The Old Tracks, a Poem by Nolo Segundo
I walked where
Passenger trains
Carried lives and
Their once warm,
Now cold, dreams
And I was part of
Each life, now gone
To ether and mist

Jun 14, 20241 min read
Midnight Influx, a Poem by Patrick Morgan
as we kickboard our lives
across imaginary lines
our hearts tied up in plastic bags
drifting out to sea.

Jun 7, 20242 min read
A Chance For Salvation, a Poem by Carol Alena Aronoff
I am expatriate,
my motherland,
the one that birthed
and then betrayed me,
no longer my home.
No songs of redemption,
no longer
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