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Theological Tanka, a Poem by Christina E. Petrides

Each Bible hero—

people who became great saints

in the end of ends—

felt tangibles stripped away

in the maturing process.


Born in San Antonio, Texas, and raised in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) in Georgia, USA, Christina E. Petrides now lives on Jeju Island, Republic of Korea. Her poems have been published in periodicals around the world. Her new verse collection is On Unfirm Terrain (Kelsay Books, forthcoming). She is the author of two children’s books: Blueberry Man (2020; Korean translation, 2021), and The Refrigerator Ghost (Korean translation, 2022). Christina co-translated Maria Shelyakhovskaya’s Utverzhdenie v liubvi. Istoria odnoi russkoi sem’i: 1872-1981 (Being Grounded in Love: A History of One Russian Family, 1872-1981), into English manuscript. Her website is


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