For the collection: 'Life in the time of #COVID'
I am green with envy
for the girl
months ago with narry a worry
or a care,
but now this virus is everywhere;
there's even a case here in my county
as of today and i am scared
to leave my house—
I am considered an essential worker,
but I don't want to head
into my work place;
just want to stay home where I feel
safe and secure from harm
don't want to go into the mouth of
a place where people don't take the
pandemic seriously,
just yesterday a man told me this virus
was just a political ploy;
but viruses don't care about your
politics or whether or not you're a good person.
Linda M. Crate's works have been published in numerous magazines and anthologies both online and in print. She is the author of six poetry chapbooks, the latest of which is: 'More Than Bone Music' (Clare Songbirds Publishing House, March 2019). She's also the author of the novel 'Phoenix Tears' (Czykmate Books, June 2018). Recently she has published two full-length poetry collections 'Vampire Daughter' (Dark Gatekeeper Gaming, February 2020) and 'The Sweetest Blood' (Cyberwit, February 2020).