Dec 16, 20221 min

Dance of the Cafeteros, a Poem by Russell Willis

Far above the level of the sea
an Axis of Coffee straddles
the mountains of Columbia

For the cafeteros there is but
one centuries-old constant:
“there is always coffee”

But in this age
technology supplants
the marriage of
human and soil,
hands and limbs,
brains and beans.

The chase is on;

The chase to hold on
to the soil as it washes
off the mountains

The chase up the mountain,
ever higher,
chasing the temperatures
where coffee trees
thrive as lower altitudes
get warmer,
ever warmer.

This dance between
human and natural –
an ancient dance

The dance cafeteros
learned from their
abuelos y abuelas

The dance humans
had learned to do
with grace and finesse
and not a little bit of wisdom.

But not always;
sometimes heavy-handed
forgetting to dance.

Choosing, instead,
to simply use.

All the while,
the cafeteros push their hopes
and plantations
up the mountains
so that it may
still be true
in their world:
“there is always coffee”

Ethicist, online education entrepreneur, and pastor, Russell Willis emerged as a poet in 2019. Since then he has been profiled in THE POET Magazine and published in twenty-eight online and print journals (including the Ekstasis Review and As Above So Below) and seventeen anthologies. Russell grew up in and around Texas, was vocationally scattered throughout the Southwest and Great Plains for many years, and is now settled in Vermont with his wife, Dawn.